So I have a confession to make. That last picture of me, in week 16, I was pushing out as FAR as I possibly could! I know that's not really fair, but I just wanted to look more pregnant. I almost posted both of these pictures...
Week 16, totally normal

Week 16, pushing out as far as possible

I know, I know...I decieved you all, but I'm coming clean now! Currently, I don't think it matters if I suck in or push out; I'm pretty much one size. I am super happy though, I'm past the "man-that-girl-in-the-bikini-could-manage-to-lose-a-couple-

What else can I babble about? As of July 3rd, I had gain zero (that's right NONE) pounds! I'm pretty excited about that! Trust me, it's not from a lack of eating but rather being on a stringent cardio routine. I prefer to think that based on my exercising (and lack of alcohol intake)I lost those pesky ten pounds and then gained them back in baby weight putting me right back where I started and perfectly on track. I'll find out tomorrow, but I'm guessing I've gain 4 pounds since the 3rd, which is just what all the "experts" say is healthy.
In the last week, Radler has been movin' and shakin' more then ever before. It's so cool! I'm convinced that (s)he is practicing his/her ninja moves: round house kicks, head butts, ninja rolls, you name it! It's been fun for me and I'm sure that the time is quickly approaching that Juddy and others will be able to share in the sensation.

I think that's it, for now at least. Hugs, loves, kisses and snuggles to all of you~
Juddy, Danielle, Big Happy, Little Buddy and our ninja-in-training, Radler.