We're soooooo close!!! Radler is due in 7 days. My how time has flown by!! Although we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Radler, Juddy and I are trying to enjoy our couples time and quiet time. You know, like watching a movie on the couch...all the way through....with no interruptions? It's so easy to spend your time anticipating the new family arrival, that you can forget to live in the moment. I think we're doing an awesome job of living in the moment. Now, that's not to say we're not excited and that labor and Radler hasn't filled my thoughts and dreams.

7 days until due date....
That's everything. This is probably my last post as a family of 4 (that's me, Juddy, Big Happy and Little Buddy). Next time, they'll be pictures of our new addition. I wonder if Radler is a boy or a girl...I can't WAIT to find out!! I'll make sure to get pictures up asap once Radler is photographable with our camera (i.e. not through an ultrasound). Hugs and loves to everyone. Thank you SO much your support through the pregnancy. I'm sure Radler can't wait to meet you all!!
Love, Danielle, Juddy, Big Happy, Little Buddy and (soon) Radler