OH MY GOD! So I checked out my last post to see when the last time you saw Radler was and oh my goodness, things have changed! So Radler is almost 3 months old. When did that happen?!!? Our computer shit the bed and the new one we got wouldn’t steal internet from the neighbors, so we’ve been waiting 6 weeks for Comcast to set up the internet here. Finally, we have lift off. The baby is sleeping, I’m shoving food into my mouth and trying to type vigorously before the little tyke awakes!
Everyone always asks us what we’ve been up to lately. Are you kidding? NOTHING!

At least nothing of interest worth discussing when someone asks you “what have you been up to?” We have a baby now! We sit around and stare at her. We pretend to decipher her gurgles and put them into cute, comprehensible sentences. We laugh about how such a tiny baby can make so much poop that its leaked all over her clothing and somehow got into her hair. We go to bed at 9:00pm. Sometimes 8:00pm. We walk an hour a day trying to keep Rad, us and Big Happy all happy. We’re excited to go to the baby consignment store on our “big day’s out“. We nap whenever we can. That’s it people. Really. That’s what we do now. And we LOVE it!
Of course, this is Danielle and Juddy we’re talking about so we have done a few more things…We took Rad bowling with us. After being passed around to all of our friends,

we threw her in the Moby (it’s a long piece of fabric you wrap around yourself and throw the baby into…kinda like a papoose) and she slept for the rest of the evening. That’s right, slept. She got those genes from me. I can sleep anywhere. We also took her to her first professional La Cross game. Again, she slept the first half and woke up at half time in time to watch the cheerleaders. Then she was awake and attentive for the rest of the game. Never made a squeak…just sat and watched the game on Daddy’s lap. As responsible parents, we searched every avenue in Bellingham for baby ear protection. In the end, we tapped cotton balls to her ears and put a thick beanie over them. We’re currently on the look out for acceptable baby ear protection. The problem is that baby head phones look cute, but I know she’ll throw them off as soon as she figures out how to.
I’ve been back to work doing mortgages since the beginning of February (if anyone has any mortgage questions you know who to ask!), but only part time. I get there about 8:30 and stay until 12:30ish. And then I try to work from home, which will be greatly assisted with internet so I can stop typing on my blackberry! Luckily, Rad has no problem switching from bottle to nipple, formula to la natural so we’re able to go with the flow. We’re so lucky to have such an easy baby!! She must get that from her Uncle Tony. I'm also happy to say that I completely zipped and button my first pair of pre-prenancy pants this week! Still have a ways to go, but it's a land mark occasion to get ONE pair fitting again.
Juddy’s ski shop is still going Thurs thru Sat, noon to six. And he’s been greatly

involved in selling a gutter guard product, called Leaf Defyer, as well. In fact he’s at a home show today and through the weekend in Everett. He is LOVING being a dad! They have playtime in the morning in bed when I head out to work. Then they walk and eat, and play again. He gets awfully excited about dressing her up in adorable outfits. It’s SOOO cute!
As for Rad, I think she’s diggin’ living with us. She’s surrounded by love all the time.

Juddy’s mom Renee came and relieved us from duty for about a week so we could go and enjoy a few shows. My mom wants her any time she’s not flying. And my dad, believe it or not, has come to America TWICE simply to see her. He spent more time traveling than he did with her. That just goes to show you the power of a grandchild. It’s so cool to watch!!
Rad loves her daily walks. She loves to stand. I think she might be a hula hooper (penence for Juddy and I) since every time she stands she bobbles around moving her hips in an uncontrollable circle.

She likes her swing but she LOVES for you to throw her in the bucket and swing her as hard as you can. That's our extreme child we all new we'd have. However, while it's super fun for her it is one heck of an ab and bicep work out for us! It's not like she wants five swings and she's good. She wants the full rollercoaster ride! Oh well, I figure it's part of my work out routine to get back in shape. She hates the Suburu. Go figure right? She gets a new car the day she's born and she's ungrateful and hates it! Oh well, she'll learn to love it, especially in 15.5 years!
I’ll be done talking now. I’ve tagged along on people’s blogs before and all anyone really wants to see are the pictures. Hugs and loves from the whole Rosellison crew!
La Cocaracha!
Danielle, Juddy, Radler, Big Happy and Little Buddy
thanks for the update! it sounds wonderful! we still haven't made it up to bellingham (for many reasons) but we will make it a priority again. i'd love to go for a walk or do something else fun with radler. i'll be in touch! love you guys!