Sunday, April 11, 2010

Getting bigger!

Our friends Summer, Travis and their 1 1/2 year old daughter, Zoey, got the great idea to go and see a Rollerderby event. On the day of the event they still didn't have their tickets and low and behold it was sold out! Juddy totally called it too. Who knew Rollerderby was so popular?!!? Well, the following month they got their tickets well in advance and invited us to go along with them. It was pretty much what we expected: crazy outfits, some tough chicks and some big crashes. There was a torn ACL, a sprained ankle and a broken collar bone all in one match!! There were some "thick" women on the teams, but also half a dozen excellent skaters (I'll probably get my rear kicked for saying this) and real athletes! Never wanting to miss an opportunity to get dressed up, we got the girls all decked out in what we considered "Rollerderby Outfits". They were definitely a hit amoungst the fans! I'm sure Radler will be mortified one day that we used her as our own little dress-up doll, but she's so darn cute and pulls off the outfits MUCH better than Juddy or I could! PS: Those shoes have skulls on the side AND on the bottom! They are probably three sizes to big for her, but she had to wear them!

Radler has also started Skyping, and for those of you who don't know what that is, you should. It's totally "Jettsons" or Star Trek stuff....things we only dreamed about as a kid. If you have the internet and a video camera hooked up to your computer, you can Skype. Heck, even if you don't have a video camera, as long as the other person does, you can at least see what they are doing. I've heard about it for years, but never had any experience with it until our good friends in Puerto Rico who have a daughter 3 weeks younger than Rad made us do it. Now, I'm annoyed that I didn't get into it sooner! Anyway, it's video to video phone calls through your computer and totally free! It's the perfect way for anyone, especially far away grandparents, to watch their grandchildren row up and stay connected. It's easy to use and much better picture quality than I expected. I know I sound like an advertisement for Skype, but I swear they are not paying me to say this! Auntie Andree, you HAVE to figure it out. I'll walk you through it.

Radler stood for the first time, by herself...kinda. She definitely had some support and a gooood gangster lean going on, but starting to figure it out!
Radler also got to hang out with her friend Hadley. Hadley is three weeks older than Rad and has a little more Sumo wrestler in her while Radler is a little more Ninja! Rad's never been around other babies yet, so it was fun to watch her try to figure it out. She was definitely a little quiet and reserved to start like "what is that and why isn't all the attention on me?" but she warmed up in no time at all! They played and kicked, held hands, cooed, karate chopped and tried to know, all the things that 4 month olds do!

One of my braidesmaids and her husband made it up for a weekend too. We headed out to a La Crosse game, ate pizza and walked the Saturday Market the following day. Tony, my girl friends husband, took some fantastic shots. Can you believe that waterfall is directly behind our house, not even a 15 minute walk?!?

That pretty much wraps up April. Our good friend Jess came over and took some super cute pictures too. I'll throw those in for fun.
Hugs and Loves from the Whole Rosellison Clan

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hello one and all! We are sooo not interesting. I have nothing fun to tell you that we've been up to. No great trips planned. No music we've seen. We are simply a happy family, living a day to day life and enjoying watching our little girl get bigger. We used to be so much fun with tons of ativities! Not so much any more. At least, it's not interesting to you. So I'm just going to throw some pictures up and maybe something will come to me to write about. Love you all and hope you're well!
Juddy and Rad come to visit me almost every day at work. It gets him out of the house and her the magic boob. Our schedules continue to work beautifully together. I work in the morning and then he works selling Leaf Defier ( in the afternoon and evenings. He's been doing home shows and slaying it! It works out great for both of us, but most of all Radler. We all get time with each other, as well as adult time. We feel so fortunate!
We made it to another Lacrosse game and this time borrowed our friend Abby's ear protection. Sooooo cute! And they push Rad's little cheeks together...mmm mmm mmm! They work...she slept through most of the game.
Oh look! A family photo! They are so rare these days...usually one of us is taking the picture. Oh, we also made it out for an exciting night of Bingo, here in Sudden Valley which is the community we live in. There were hundreds of people, and Juddy won the jackpot! Full blackout! Unfortunately we had to split it with another gal, but it paid for us and our friends night out. Pretty cool right? Rad must be our good luck charm.
I love it when she smiles! She's been practicing her ninja moves regularly, which is not so cool when we're trying to sleep. Fortunately, we just put her in her own bed and she fights inamginary evil dooers while we go back to sleep. When she's slayed all the bad guys, she just goes to bed and dreams of doing it all over again. She is so easy, we're starting to get nervous about having another one (no I'm not pregnant). Could any other child be this easy and fun?
Ahahahahaha!! The Pout! She got that from me. It comes out of no where and can go away as fast as it appears. HAahahaha!
We've done our best to keep her out of pink, but... What can I say? We bred a rock star!
~Hugs and Loves from the Rosellison clan~